10 Free online grammar and spell checkers

Spell and grammar checkers

Today I'm going to share with you some of free online spells and grammar checker tools. I found some of these tools very useful. Each tool has its own unique specialty over others. Few spell check tools support multi languages where as other tools has easy to use interface.

1) Ginger online spell checker

Ginger has a cool interface for online editor. I liked it. This tool not only corrects your spellings, but also it points out suitable  wordings to match with the context. This tool corrects multiple mistakes in one go. On their website they say  "Ginger Spelling Checker uses a breakthrough, patent-pending technology to correct any type of mistake,including those left undetected by other spell checkers."

You can see their other products from this Ginger home page. They have 'Sentence refresher' ,'Text Reader', 'Personal Trainer' and 'Grammar Checker'. All these products are free.

2) JSpell Spell Checker

This is another free tool. This tool also supports multiple languages. Unlike Ginger, this iterates through all the wordings it thinks not correct then show up in a window with suggested or corrected wording to select by you.

3) Reverso Spell Checker

Another great free online spell checker. This tool not only it checks for spelling and grammar mistakes but also it has a feature to translate the sentence into a different language.
Not only that, it gives you additional resources such as Dictionary, Synonyms, and Conjugatior check of a word on the same page. Very handy to learn additional information of a word you want to check with.

4) spellcheck.cc

Spellcheck.cc is a multilingual spell checker. It supports 17 languages as of now. Their interface is kind of boring to look at. But given features its much more powerful than any other spell checkers.

5) Spellex Spell Checker

A simple spell check tool. Similar like JSpell tool. If you prefer a simple interface with no complex stuffs, then this is good for you. But I prefer JSpell over this tool.

6) Grammar Checker

This is another simple interface tool. This tool highlights the errors with red underling and when you click that work it shows correct or suggesting words as a pop up. Easy to use kind of tool.

7) Grammarbase Spell Checker

Easy to use interface. Highlights errors while you type the wordings.

8) Spellcheckplus Spell Checker

Another easy to use and simple interface. It highlights errors in red dotted underline if you typed any incorrect words. It shows a yellow color box around the words if you have made any grammatical error .  When you hover over it it shows suggestion words.

9) Frees Spell Checkers

Simple interface kind of spell checker. Similar like JSpell editor.

10) Grammarly Spell Checker

Similar like Ginger but it has its own way of correcting grammars. This grammar checker interface allows you to even drag and drop a text file to its editor, that you want to check and corrects its spelling and grammar mistakes.

A downside of this tool I see that it finds it difficult to correct or check grammar mistakes in short sentences. You need to copy paste or upload a file which has a long paragraph or two.

This is not a free editor. But if you are looking for a professional grammar checker including plagiarism then this is for you.

Here is another online tool I found after I publish this post,

Clear one column web page with easy spelling and grammar check editor.

I hope this list would help you in your word editings.

(Updated on 8/9/2013)